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Sri Herlina
S. Eko Putro Widoyoko


The research aims to test Calamondin as a natural fixation material in coloring batik using
indigosol dyestuff. The tested colors are the oft-used ones, namely Indigosol Yellow IGK,
Indigosol Orange HR and Indigosol Blue O₄B. Fixation using HCl commonly used in batik
coloring is applied in comparison to these tested colors. The testing comprises color fastness
against washing, color fastness against rubbing, and color fastness against sunlight. The
assessment standards are grey scale and staining scale. The test result in the laboratory of the
Islamic University of Indonesia demonstrates that the values/grades of color fastness against
washing, rubbing, and sunlight for most colors are the same as the results of fixation using
HC1, and in fact the results of fixation using calamondin for particular colors in particular
parameter of color fastness are much better than using HCl. In addition, the values meet the
standards of INS (Indonesian National Standard) on batik color fastness. Therefore,
calamondin can be used as batik coloring fixation material with indigosol dyestuff which is
more environmentally-friendly

Rincian Artikel

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