Isi Artikel Utama

Afif Widyanto


The purpose of the current study is to describe the existence of Jaranan Turonggo Sekti as an art product
in Suruh Village Trenggalek which is reviewed from the analytical ethnography with the approach of
elements of culture. The underlying concept of Koentjaraningrat’s ethnography framework (2015) was
employed, stating that there are seven elements of culture, namely (1) religion and religious ceremonies,
(2) system of social organization, (3) knowledge system. (4) language. (5) arts, (6) economic system and
livelihood, and (7) living equipment and technology system. In traditional culture, seven elements of culture
are closely linked, integrated one of another, forming part of a whole system. The results of the study
demonstrate that Jaranan Turonggo Sekti describes religion or belief system and religious ceremonies
through the rituals of offerings and sense-making of the braid horse being used. System of social
organization or social relations are portrayed through the spirit of the community, while local knowledge
is applied in the creation of horse figure and its decoration. Language is represented in the form of visual
language, whereas arts element, particularly fine arts elements is signified by the figure of the horse.
Livelihood system is interpreted in a simple economic concept in which the performance is held with paid
response model. Technology element is carried out through the process of braid horse making determined
by the technical ability of the person who creates it.

Rincian Artikel

Cara Mengutip
Widyanto, A. (2024). JARANAN TURONGGO SEKTI: TINJAUAN ETNOGRAFI ANALITIS DARI SUDUT PANDANG UNSUR-UNSUR KEBUDAYAAN. Jurnal Pendidikan Seni Dan Industri Kreatif, 4(1), 15–24. https://doi.org/10.70571/psik.v4i1.67


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