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Farika Chandrasari


The current research was carried out based on organizational justice studies aiming at
portraying the process of organizational justice occurring in an organization. Organizational
justice is a tool to measure the employees’ sense of justice in the organization in which they
work. Organizational justice in this research comprises distributive justice and procedural
justice. The creation of ideal organizational justice will naturally bring about better
behavioural condition of the employees manifested in increasing the willingness to do things
that bring advantages to others, known as altruism. Altruism is one of the basic dimensions of
Organization Citizenship Behavior (OCB), which represents the behavior of a person who
always promotes the vision and mission of his organization. The subjects of the research were
45 arts and culture master trainers. Questionnaires with Likert 4 interval scale were
distributed directly to the research subjects. Data were analyzed using the SPSS program with
simple linear regression analysis. The results of data analysis demonstrate that distributive
justice and procedural justice are significant towards altruism.

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How to Cite
Farika Chandrasari. (2024). KEADILAN ORGANISASIONAL TERHADAP ALTRUISME WIDYAISWARA SENI DAN BUDAYA. Jurnal Pendidikan Seni Dan Industri Kreatif, 1(1), 50–57.


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