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The current study aims to describe the symbolical meaning in the ornaments of “Bledeg” Door
of Demak Great Mosque viewed from three aspects, namely contour, content, and context. The
results of the study demonstrate that analysed from the aspect of contour, ornaments of
“Bledeg” Door consist of several parts, namely the crown, dragon head, and vase. There are
several motifs originating from Majapahit, namely the “tumpal” motif and the use of Surya
Majapahit symbol stylized as dragon's eyes. The colors used are red, green, and white. In
terms of content, the tumpal motif is a symbol of relationship of human beings with God, the
crown motif is a symbol of virtue, the dragon head motif is a symbol of strength in spreading
goodness, the vase motif is a symbol of religion, and the floral plant motif is a symbol of
fertility, while the red, blue, and white colors symbolize safety. Viewed from the context, the
myth of Ki Ageng Selo when catching lightning comes to light which is visualized into a
symbolic ornament. The ornaments of “Bledeg” Door of Demak Great Mosque symbolizes the
relationship between human beings and God signifying their privilege to spread God's

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How to Cite
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