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in its learning program. “Ketoprak” is the major subject taught in the local theater. Hence,
the learning of acting also conforms to the acting of “ketoprak”. The objective of learning
development in grade X to grade XII is to provide students with the abilities needed to play
roles in various forms of “ketoprak”. The current research aims to expose the underlying
consideration of determining “ketoprak” as the major subject of local theater learning in
Theater Expertise Program at SMKN 1 Kasihan Bantul, and how the school attempts to
develop the learning process of this subject. Qualitative research was employed in August to
October 2021. Data collected through documentation study, interviews, and observation. The
sources of data were field notes, documentation of students’ work, and interview results.
Results of the study demonstrate that the popularity and the existence of “ketoprak” turn out
to be the essential justification of determining “ketoprak” as the major subject of the local
theater acting learning; besides, it is a form of local theater preservation and cultural
development in theater as well. Mixing modern theater acting techniques with “ketoprak”
acting style is done to improve local theater acting learning. The combined technique is
subsequently employed in the production of “ketoprak lesung”, “ketoprak ongkek”, and
“ketoprak pendapan” performances. The most recent attempt in this line of work is creating
cinematographic (film) “ketoprak” although the techniques of acting in front of the camera
have not yet been fully implemented
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